H1N1 vaccine, take a conscious decision

I recommend not to take the vaccine against H1N1 and not take any other vaccines like HPV or any other.

H1N1 vaccine, take a conscious decision

H1N1 vaccine, take a conscious decision (Source: Prefeitura de Hortolândia)

I recommend not to take the vaccine against H1N1 and not take any other vaccines like HPV or any other.

However, the decision is up to every citizen and should not be imposed on someone or a government that established an abusive schedule of mandatory vaccinations for children, which incidentally, are in full formation of the nervous and immune system.

Vaccines are legalized crime that have the sole purpose of profit from drug companies.

The press Hortolndia government is announcing the start of the campaign for vaccination against the H1N1 and against HPV. The municipalities have simply reproduced what is passed by the Federal Government and regarded as correct by much of the medical society.

It\’s unfortunate, but it is expected. It would be surprising to see a city or country taking a decision against the use of vaccines or any particular vaccine, which would lead to reprisals and most likely would have to appear before a court to give appropriate explanations and justifications for their decisions. This has happened, as the case of Poland.
Despite several controversies, it is necessary to make clear that vaccines containing highly toxic substances such as mercury in the form of thimerosal (organic), aluminum, formaldehyde, genetically modified substances, among others, that are introduced directly into the muscle, without going through natural immune barriers of the body such as the skin and the filtering mechanisms of the respiratory system.

We free of mercury and organic fish food but do queue so that the inject thimerosal, formaldehyde and aluminum hydroxide.

For vegans, know that the H1N1 vaccine, like others, has been produced in eggs and embryos for the virus to multiply.
Watch the videos below, read much about it and make a conscious decision.

Featured image: Department of Communication Hortolandia Prefecture

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Bildquelle: Prefeitura de Hortolândia

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